I’m from Ahoskie, N.C. (some call it ‘Hoskie) a small town of about 4,000 (which may be a stretch). We are small, but mighty! After 24 years away, I moved back home. Both my parents attended the local community college I currently serve as Dean of Student Services. The College opened in 1967. After serving…
no time to numb
for awhile now, i’ve been wondering what was going on. or what i wanted out of life at 42. i moved back to my hometown to work the exact job i manifested over 15 years ago. i talk life with my dad and drink my mamas dark roasted coffee every morning. i get lost in…
why make life hard
i’m living back home. i like it. actually, i really love it. it’s an easy kinda of living. for some reason, it’s the kind i wanted to escape growing up here. there are no more 45 minutes commutes for 7 miles to a massive university with nearly 40,000 students. now it takes me 12 minutes…